Saturday, November 19, 2011

life, lately: biology, my favorite kids, & a surprise party

Life lately has been...

my junior year of college; I'm at 78 credits! (right now it's all about biology. oh, and fresh chocolate milk in a cute little mason jar).

Miyah (9) and Melodie (10), on the way to Girl Scouts

Johnny (14) and Coleman (5), being boys

Jayden (6), who makes me laugh constantly with his grown-up vocabulary. He is exceptionally smart.

work at Palmer Home (now that most of the kids' sports & activities are over (just call me the taxi service), however, I may be finished for the remainder of the year. the great part, though? I can still visit to see the kiddos. I'm hoping to make it out there for a snow day. ::heart explosion::)

campaigning (sign waving on Voting Day for Mississippi's Yes on 26 amendment which sadly failed, yet raised awareness of the pro-life movement and caused thousands of people to question when exactly life does begin! praise God)

new Ben Rector shirt (Let the good times roll!) for my birthday from the best friend, Sara Ferren (she saw him in concert. ::jealous::)

and speaking of my birthday...

a surprise party FOR ME from the folks at Palmer Home! I was totally, genuinely caught off guard. Brittany, one of the house moms, invited me to a ::ahem:: "costume party" on the 31st. I was the last thing from suspicious, because after all, it was Halloween, so of course the kids would be in costume.

Katherina (13), as a cat, and Becca (11), as Mario (she even had his hat)

Well, they were in costume, because they were about to go trick-or-treating, but the "party" (complete with dinner, cake, and a hand-made "happy birthday" sign) was invented completely for me.

Johnny, the world's biggest sweetheart. He says I sing like Bruno Mars.

Tyler (14), my buddy. He plays football at the middle school. He doesn't wear Elton John glasses. Usually.

I was beyond blessed.  Words literally cannot convey how much my life has been enriched and blessed by Palmer Home - the faculty, the house parents, and of course those precious children. What a year. (see the checkered shirt and rope slung over my shoulder? I was a cow girl. hey, I was born on this day - it's in my nature.)

Life is good, and God is great. (Not gonna lie, the phrase "God is gooder" nearly toppled out of my typing fingers. Obviously it's time for sleep.)

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